Proxmox VE vs checkmk Agent

I have a Proxmox server. If I go to Setup and Proxmox VE and setup my checkmk to explicitly login to my Proxmox server (user@pve, etc), I get a short useful list of services that it sees.


Additionally if I add one of the Proxmox clients as a checkmk host, checkmk seems to “know” that it’s on the Proxmox box and gives me some Proxmox specific information (like whether there’s a Proxmox backup of the client).


If I install the checkmk Agent on the Proxmox server, I get a much longer list of services, but the Proxmox specific stuff is gone and the Proxmox client box then only has “Ping” for a monitor.

It does not seem thus that the Proxmox specific stuff is part of what the Agent sends, but the Agent seem to have a lot more stuff that I might want to know was in error.

Is there some best-practice for this or way to marry the two feature sets (or am I missing the point entirely… which is common for me)?


CMK version: 2.2.0p24 (raw)
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04

Error message:

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)

When configuring a host, you have to specify whether the agent or the special agent (misleadingly called API integrations) is the primary source of data – or both are combined. Even after a few years with Checkmk, I still have to look up this in the docs quite often:

Chosing “Configured API integrations and Checkmk agent” will be the remedy.

Oh! Thank you. That seems obvious now.


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