Reference guide valuespec, time of day

Hello all,

I’m looking for a reference guide for Valuespec.
Valuespec is discussed in general in the “write your own plugin” documentation on the check mk documentation site, but it is a very general description, doesn’t show how to use those valuespecs, and it’s incomplete.

Having a reference guide that provides an overview with all possibilities and all parameters/arguments would be very helpful for development.
I’ve tried to search for it, but there’s nothing much coming up, (google mostly returns unrelated random advertisement junk).

If nothing like that is available, I’m looking specifically for a time of day input type.
Of course I could build a janky solution with pre-populated combo boxes, but I’d rather not re-invent the wheel, especially as mine would be a square…

There is a rough overview at Check MK – Check Parameters Form Fields –

and timeofdayrange is used in “Size, age and count of file groups” if I’m not mistaken :slight_smile:

Thanks, i’ll see if i can pick appart the source file that you’ve pointed out on the website.

The problem with timeofdayrange is that it is a range, i.e. between two times.
I only need a singular timeofday.
I’m checking logs to see if backups happened successfully or not.
But I don’t want to raise alerts before the backups ran.

maybe that is just a matter of framing, not sure I understand the use case exactly

Instead of “everything before the backup at 18:00”
you could say “timerange between 00:00 and 18:00”

That’s an idea.

Btw. on the website that you indicated there’s a few errors:

Directory: ~/share/check_mk/web/htdocs/
This directory is empty.

Directory: /omd/versions/CMK-VERSION/lib/python/cmk/gui
This directory doesn’t exist.
The cmk library can be found in: ‘’‘/omd/versions/CMK-VERSION/lib/python3/cmk/gui’‘’

Directory: ‘’‘~/share/check_mk/web/plugins/wato/’‘’
This directory does not exist, there is no plugins directory at that location.
Btw ‘’'~/share/is a symlink to/omd/versions/CMK-VERSION/share/```

Hi @mcaspers,

the website is fairly old (and not by me… not sure if the author still uses checkmk, I just stumbled over it at some point.)

So some paths are empty now that tribe29 has moved more stuff over to the ~/lib/ path, but the paths are still correct for the ~/local/share/… hierarchy i.e. ~/local/share/check_mk/web/plugins/wato/

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