[Release] Checkmk stable release 2.3.0p6

Dear friends of Checkmk,

the new stable release 2.3.0p6 of Checkmk is ready for download.

This stable release ships with 5 changes affecting all editions of Checkmk,
5 changes for the Enterprise editions, 0 Cloud Edition specific and
0 Managed Services Edition specific changes.

Changes in all Checkmk Editions:

Checks & agents

  • 16858 FIX: sql: Allow macros in ‘Database user’ field…

Core & setup

  • 16830 SEC: Bruteforce protection for two factor authentication…

HW/SW inventory

  • 16672 HW/SW inventory: change sorting of numerical columns to natural sort…

Other components

  • 16989 FIX: NagVis: Updated to 1.9.41

User interface

  • 16985 FIX: Fix interpretation of graph ranges…

Changes in the Checkmk Enterprise Edition:

Checks & agents

  • 16839 mk-sql ensures instance name is correct…
    NOTE: Please refer to the migration notes!
  • 16876 FIX: Nutanix agent: resolve verify error when environment REQUEST_CA_BUNDLE is set…
  • 16347 FIX: Synthetic monitoring: Fix missing keyword metrics in test services…
  • 16840 FIX: mk-sql correctly reports errors…
  • 16430 FIX: veeam_jobs: Always Monitor Result of Last Backup…

Changes in the Checkmk Cloud Edition:


Changes in the Checkmk Saas Edition:


Changes in the Checkmk Managed Services Edition:


You can download Checkmk from our download page: Download Checkmk for free | Checkmk

List of all changes: Werks

We greatly thank you for using Checkmk and wish you a successful monitoring,

Your Checkmk Team