Release Werk 12307 "add cgroup v2 support for docker and lxc" in cmk 2.0.10


don’t know if this really applies as a “Product Idea” but since Proxmox 7 and Debian 11 in general have been release maybe it would be good to relase Werk 12307 within CheckMK 2.0 rather than waiting for 2.1.
At least the werk says it’s planned for 2.1. and i guess 2.1. is still a little bit away from being released?

Thanks and best regards

Hi. We will discuss this internally as new features are actually reserved for new versions or feature packs.

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I see that Werk 12307 is coming with 2.0.19
long awaited, Thank You!!!

Hooray :smiley:

Thank you as well !