Reporting on number of alerts

We’re running Checkmk Enterprise Edition 2.2 and have been for a number of years.

But aside from updating it, we pretty much only rely on it telling us if something is down, which it does well.

A new project has been initiated to make our Checkmk environment more useful, and one of these things is fine-tuning the alerts.

We’ve come a long way in doing this, but one thing I’m looking to do is create a report that has the number of CRIT and WARNING events, grouped by week, over the past $x months.

Is this a terribly useful thing to report on? Probably not, but it’ll give a good illustration of how we’ve gone from a humungous amount of noise to a much lower volume of high-quality alerts over the past month.

The closest I’ve managed to come in reporting is to add a column with a count of alerts for any particular host inside an availability table, but this sadly doesn’t illustrate the change over time.

Any ideas? Thanks!