Reporting Service Metrics in one line

Hi @awdi30,
Yes. I do have three ideas.

  1. Ask Tribe to get an alignment option on columns. It’s missing obviously :wink:
  2. That’s dirty but in my former company our partner created reports on the command line. With this, they could do a lot of crazy stuff, inputting custom tags and Information into the reports. I imagine that a good programmer might push out those values with alignment.
  3. I haven’t double checked right now but you can configure default templates for reports, I know that you can configure sizes and fonts there. Maybe also text alignment can be dabbled with in these defaults… I didn’t double check, though. Sorry.

Summary: If the option is missing in the reporting engine there’s not much you can do besides using other reporting tools. Very unfortunate all in all. The reporting engine definitely needs some tuning and polishing.