Reschedule passive checks

Good morning,

I have a lot of passive alerts from different hosts that will be removed in the next check. I want to force their check and I have seen that there is a command “Reschedule active checks” but it doesn’t work for passive checks.

a) Is there any alternative to force passive checks for selected alerts?
b) couldn’t an option similar to “Reschedule active checks” be implemented?

Thank you.

Hi Gonzalo,

the nature of a passive check is by design, that receives its input from another data source, so a reschedule is just not possible. You can reschedule the origininal data source to update the checks.

Another way to reset the services could be a “fake check result” to manually reset the state to what you want.

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Hello Andre,

thanks for your answer. My idea is that if passive checks depend on the checkmk agent, do an Reschedule active check of the Check_MK service.

Imagine that I have 30 alerts from a passive check and I want to select those 30 alerts to do an Reschedule checks. The problem is that it is easy to select the 30 alerts but it is not easy to select the 30 Check_MK services corresponding to those alerts.



you can easily reschedule multipe checkmk agents.
You can e.g. search in the Quicksearch with the following pattern:

h: <host pattern> s: Check_MK$

Same is possible with different search patterns, eg. hostgroups, labels, tags.

In the resulting table with the checkmk services you can select “commands - reschedule active checks”.

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