REST api and recursive folders

CMK version:

OS version:
Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm)

Error message:

I’ve started writing against the rest api and want to collect all tags from one or more host(s). I pulled the info using


and got an (correct) answer. One thing listed in it is

            "domainType": "link",
            "href": "http://<myhost>/<mysite>/check_mk/api/1.0/objects/folder_config/~network~wifi",
            "method": "GET",
            "rel": "urn:com.checkmk:rels/folder_config",
            "title": "The folder config of the host.",
            "type": "application/json"

Which is correct. The AP is located in the folder “network/wifi” Then I pulled the info from the folder


And combined the tags from the two. Now I am still missing a lot of tags, since most are set on the folder ‘network’ which is parent to ‘wifi’
Should I not have received a link to that parent folder from the second api call ??
Or am i expected to dissect the folder path and collect the info from each parent folder that way?


I think you overwrite the folder attributes by running this API call. If you use this method, you should use attributes, update_attributes or remove_attributes for your needs.

Rg, Christian

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I tried the request

"{API_URL}/domain-types/host_config/collections/all", params={ "effective_attributes": True, },

but still only receive the tags set on the device, not the parent folders. But maybe I should first go to a newer release in by test environment …

same on
OMD - Open Monitoring Distribution Version 2.2.0p20.cre

Copy/paste once more from ReDoc example and … Somehow it’s now working.

resp = session.get(
        "effective_attributes": True,

(or I might have missed that attributes are spread over two different keys in the answer
‘attributes’ and ’ effective_attributes’. Not sure, but I migth)