Restore tactical overview

Hi, we are using Enterprise Edition Checkmk 1.6.0p30.
I accidently deleted the (tactical) overview which incl. views, notifications and so on. What are the steps to restore it?
Do I need a specific “Link of title”? If yes, which one?
This s an example of what want to restore:



Not sure on the version you are using, but scroll down to the bottom do you not see a + symbol? if so clicked it and select the sidebar element missing, it should then appear at the bottom of the side bar and you will need to re order it where needed.

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no + symbol available.
Only bottom right there is a gearwheel with options “edit dashboard” and “properties” but this did not help me.

Hi Tom,

On the bottom of the sidebar, there must be an icon - the left one of the three - that
looks like a small rectangle with a plus sign in its right corner.

It says “Add snapin to the sidebar” on mouseover:

When you click on it, you get to a screen called “Available snapins” (note:
this is just an excerpt):

You should find the “Tactical Overview” snapin there, too. Just click
on it and then it’ll be on the sidebar again, where you can “drag” it
to the position you want.



Slightly off-topic, but you really should update your Checkmk instance. 1.6 has been EOL for a while now, which means no more patches, including no more security patches.


@openmindz thanks for your input, the whole sidebar is missing, which is what I would like to restore.

@elias.voelker thanks for the input, we are aware of that.

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The sidebar cant be deleted.
It wont be there if you for example use an incorrect link directly to a view. If you login fresh, then it should be there except if your admin changed the login redirect url.

There is however a option to reload a page incl. Sidebar. It is i think one of the little buttons at the bottom of the screen.
Sorry to be vague, but it’s a long time ago :frowning:

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Thanks for your help, any help is appreciated.
So this is how it looks like when I directly login (even after refresh). If you have any advice, what the default URL should look like or where to check/(re-)configure it, please let me know. Currently https://xxx/sitename/check_mk/ is opened/shown.

My challenge is: I am missing the whole sidebar (WATO-configuration, Notifications, …).

Maybe this can help ? Check the directory “/opt/omd/sites/yorsitename/var/check_mk/web/youruser” for the presence of “”. Either delete the file and try a “omd restart” or copy an existing “” from another user to this directory. The file should content something like this:

{'fold': False,
 'snapins': [{'snapin_type_id': 'tactical_overview', 'visibility': 'open'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'search', 'visibility': 'open'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'views', 'visibility': 'open'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'reports', 'visibility': 'closed'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'bookmarks', 'visibility': 'open'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'admin', 'visibility': 'open'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'master_control', 'visibility': 'closed'},
             {'snapin_type_id': 'time', 'visibility': 'open'}]}
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In version 1.6 you could hide the sidebar. Try to click on the first 1-3 pixels on the left side of the screen and the sidebar will reappear.

I installed an old 1.6 version especially for you :wink:

A small arrow appears next to the logo when you hover over it with the mouse to hide the sidebar:

To make the sidebar visible again, right-click on the first row of pixels:


Thanks all of you especially the both of you so much:
@joerg.mohar I was able to restore the function by deleting the and restart the whole omd site.
@MarcS thanks for taking the time to set up but there was no for me to see even the checkmk logo above “tactical overview” as the whole sidebar was gone.

I rather meant that you accidentally clicked on the arrow before and that’s why the sidebar is gone.
Hence the hint on how to get it back.

But if it worked your way, that’s fine :wink:

Kind regards

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