RHEV Appliance Check with API

Hello CMK Community,

i want to check my RHEV Appliance with a API. How do I do it?

Agent or SNMP Config would be deleted after each Updated. The Only option is API.

The great news is I have no idea how to do it :sunglasses:.
I will be very greatfull for all the help I get.



I am not aware of any extension specifically for monitoring RHEV.

But RHEV is closely related to oVirt, so the oVirt plugin from Checkmk Exchange might work in your environment. If have not tested it, though.

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Hi Heavy,

thanks for the Info.

But How do I use it, there is no Instruction or any sort of Documentation in the Plugin Site.

See Checkmk extension packages (MKPs) - Integrating extensions from the community into Checkmk on how to install and active an extension package.

After that, a search for oVirt in the Setup menu should find the ruleset for setting up the oVirt datasource. Create a rule and assign it to the oVirt/RHEV host(s).

Edit: I cannot test it by myself as I have replaced all my oVirt clusters by Proxmox VE.

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I will try it out and give you feedback. Thanks for the Advice

I have installed the Plugin but its not helping.

Is there any possibility to get the Information from RHEV API ? If its possible how ?

Cause there is no Agent nor SNMP.

@nhakeem the way to retrieve monitoring data from an API is called a ‘special agent’ in Checkmk lingo.

If there is no special agent available from us (there is not, afaik) or the Checkmk Exchange (couldn’t find any, either), you can always have a crack a building your own.

If the RHEV API is well documented, this should be doable.

Take a look here to get started: Developing extensions for Checkmk

thanks @elias.voelker