Run checkmk agent as Non root user

I followed this guide Running the Checkmk agent without root privileges and installed a Checkmk agent which runs as non-root user. I can get some basic metrics but not all from just the agent. For example, haproxy monitoring it is a permission.There will be more like this. Can you please tell me how can I fix this ?

Short answer - run the agent as root.
We use a non root agent only if it is an appliance where we cannot get root.
Then we also know that not all information is provided.

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Long answer - Allow the non-root user access to the commands using sudo and then update all the checks to use sudo instead of ‘just’ the command.

So it’s doable, but I’d save myself the trouble if I were you. For instance, you’ll have to do this again for every agent upgrade.


In some cases it might help to add your user to the group for the respective service, e.g. docker.

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