Scheduled Downtime with 2 different rules

Now my problem is that at the weekend my daily rule ignores the weekend rule. I’d like too have daily downtime 2200-0600 and a downime at the weekend friday 2200 - 0600 monday.

Hello Andrey,

I don’t have much experience with downtime rules specifically, but it seems to me that this could be an order-of-operations thing. Have you tried reversing the order of the 2 rules? If so, what was the outcome?

If Checkmk is unable to parse 2 conflicting rules to your liking, you should be able to get your desired outcome by defining the rules in a way such that there is no overlap between them. For example:

  1. Mon-Thu 2200 - 0600
  2. Fri 2200 - Mon 0600

Alternately, since you seem to be using a pair of rules to define any time except Mon-Fri 0600-2200, you could inverse the logic. Define a single time period (Mon-Fri, 0600-2200) and configure Checkmk so that the relevant hosts/services are only monitored during that period.

Hope this helps,