Schulung: Checkmk 2.0 - die wichtigsten Neuerungen und Features auf einen Blick

Hi @brm,

in addition to Faye’s feedback, this training format is mainly to be seen as a supplement to the offered CMK I + II training, with which we give an overview of the most important innovations through the 2.0. It mainly addresses our experienced Checkmk web users who have been working with Checkmk for several years, may have already gone through the CMK I and/or CMK II training and just need the most important info on v.2.0.
It is important to mention, that this new training format does not replace any previous training. Rather, it is an important addition to our training portfolio to make our customers ready for v.2.0 if required.

There are still a few seats available for the dates currently on offer. So we would be happy to see you in the training. :wink:
