Sending image in


I’m modifying the default to send and image of the graph related with the service failing just after sending the default message.
When I put and static path of a PNG image the script works fine.

My error comes when I try to get the service graph automatically. I send a curl to download the PNG in a temp directory but what I get is a “Invalid user input” error message.

The curl I use to autheticate and download the graph is:

curl -s -o $GRAPH_PATH "https://SERVER_IP/SITE/check_mk/" -d "@payload.json" -H "Authorization: Bearer username password"

How can I get that image? Which is the rigth way to authenticate?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

I found this discussion very helpful: Direktlink zu den neuen 2.0 Graphen? - #2 by Norm

I followed the steps and then found the URL to the png image. When I access this one with curl it just worked fine.

curl "http://<server>/checkmk/check_mk/" -H "Authorization: Bearer username password"

Hi @rons4,

BIG THANKS! :slight_smile:
Thanks to your answer I have realized that I was sending some characters badly encoded. Now it works!
Your example works perfectly as well.

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