Service stale, how can we prevent it?

Why does such a service stale appears and how can I prevent it?

Approx. 80% of all other services in our environment are ok.

CMK version: Enterprise Edition 2.2.0p24
OS version: Rocky 9.3

Stale means that a service check has not been run since 1.5 times its normal check interval (i.e. usually 90 seconds).

This can have multiple reasons. One is for example that the host is down and the agent therefor unreachable. All services that depend on agent data will become stale.

Host are not down.
And as soon as a I run “Reschedule check” all is back to normal.
However, this dose not help because is an manual task.

Then something else prevents the timely execution of that service check. You need to find out what.

This is my problem.
I have no clue what it could be.