Simple (better) local check; Monitor windows event logs\ID's

We created a local powershell check which (better) monitors the windows event ID’s better then the default options in check mk.

We have about ~1400 hosts in our check mk enviorment and the check_mk.user.yml doesn’t meet out expectations and neither does the default windows event rules.

This is the powershell script and you need to place it inside the folder; C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\local

You can customize the lines 26 and below or add more (after line 25; #add services below)
In this specific configuration we check for event in the log that appear for the CVE-2022-38023 - Security Update Guide - Microsoft - Netlogon RPC Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability and for CVE-2022-37967 - Security Update Guide - Microsoft - Windows Kerberos Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability

Good luck :wink:

Function GetEvents {
	$time = [datetime]::Now.AddHours(-$lookuphours)
	$events = Get-WinEvent -FilterHashtable @{ LogName=$logname; ID=$eventid; StartTime=$time;} -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
	$eventmeasure = $events | measure
	$eventcount = $eventmeasure.Count
	return "P $servicename count=$eventcount;$threshold_warning;$threshold_critical $description"
#add services below
GetEvents -logname "System" -eventid 5838 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "CVE-2022-38023_5838" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "The Netlogon service encountered a client using RPC signing instead of RPC sealing"
GetEvents -logname "System" -eventid 5839 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "CVE-2022-38023_5839" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "The Netlogon service encountered a trust using RPC signing instead of RPC sealing"
GetEvents -logname "System" -eventid 5840 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "CVE-2022-38023_5840" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "The Netlogon service created a secure channel with a client with RC4"
GetEvents -logname "System" -eventid 5841 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "CVE-2022-38023_5841" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "The Netlogon service denied a client using RC4 due to the RejectMd5Clients setting"

GetEvents -logname "System" -eventid 43 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "CVE-2022-37967-43" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "The Key Distribution Center (KDC) encountered a ticket that it could not validate the full PAC Signature"
GetEvents -logname "System" -eventid 44 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "CVE-2022-37967-44" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "The Key Distribution Center (KDC) encountered a ticket that did not contained the full PAC Signature"

Screenshot how it looks in check mk.


Interesting, reminds me a little of how check_logfiles did it in the past, but I think there are certainly use cases where this is a much easier solution than going through the Checkmk Event console - thanks for sharing!

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I would argue that once log forwarding to the event console is properly set up it is much easier to define new rules there (and more flexible) than to modify a local check that has to be distributed to 1400 hosts.


Maybe that is true, but for us its way to much information that is being sent to check mk.
Which we want to minimalize because of performance.

So this is the best option in the situaties we have.

is it possible to modify your script to warn when a user account is created in Active Directory?


Should be pretty easy. You just have to find the right Event ID from Windows.

It’s in the Security Log and the Event ID is 4720.

Give it a try and tell me if it worked. :slightly_smiling_face:

Thanks, Norm for your response. No, I was unable to get it to work.
All wanted is for check_mk to show a CRT message when event ID 4720 is triggered in the domain controller.
Powershell script to send email alert works.
That will be great if you could put together a simple script to do this job.

Thanks and much appreciated.

Hi @Davejosh21,
this line should work:

GetEvents -logname "Security" -eventid 4720 -lookuphours 24 -servicename "Windows-user-created" -threshold_warning 1 -threshold_critical 2 -description "A user account was created."

There is a wiki article from micosoft on how to configure the right policies on your active directory. Take a look here:

Thanks, I will try it.

Hi Norm, it works, thank you. But I have not been able to figure out how to confirm without suppressing the next trigger.
When I confirm the service, I don’t get a new message when a new user is created on the domain controller.
Can you or anyone help me?

Hello, I have found a solution to this problem. I went a different way to get what we needed. I decided to monitor the email notification from newly created users in AD, which is sorted in a sub-folder.
When the email arrives in the subfolder, it triggers a check_mk warning. I acknowledge this warning by moving the notification email to another folder.

@Norm, by all means, thank you.


This looks awesome. So are there other settings that need to be enabled in either Checkmk or in the check_mk.user.yml of the host or can you simply use this script with your desired events. I am not experienced with checkmk but we have it and i am trying to learn more and get some notifications set up for certain Windows events. Any other information or potential gotchas are really appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

The powershell script, that you place in the local check folder, will add checks to the host in check mk. It will use the default settings you set in check mk for notifications etc.

You can change the name of the check and the event id’s in the script to your own wishes.

I have set it up and it appears to be working. The next portion will be setting up the alerts. I really appreciate your response and graciously sharing your script. I am going to try and leverage it to create notifications for account lockouts and adding or deleting user accounts etc… Anything i learn that could benefit someone else i will share as well. Thanks again!