Smarthost email configuration - setup guide for raw?

CMK version:
Latest - 2.0.0p20 (CRE)
OS version:
Ubuntu 20.04.3

Hi CMK crew!
I have raw fully built and ready for phase 2 testing, but how do you get email alerts on this thing?

Following the guide is not clear, nor does it show the config steps for Raw
There are only notes about the Appliance & Enterprise which doesn’t cover my problem

In this guide:

  1. How to connect to OMD [mysite] to execute tests?
OMD[mysite]:~$ echo “content” | mail -s test-subject
  1. The Heirloom Mailx configuration file is not at the path(s) listed
  1. I can run smarthost through Office365, but how to connect CMK with it?
    What’s the secret sauce to tie it all together?

you have to setup a mailsystem e.g. Postfix:


Thank you for the clarification, I have installed postfix with the guide and test works from Ubuntu

Now, how do I test the mail from my site?
It is not clear how to connect to the site with OMD as shown in the command snip below from the CMK guide

OMD[mysite]:~$ echo “content” | mail -s test-subject

It should be sufficient to create a user with a corresponding email address.
Under “Notifications” you can then set when emails should be generated.
Postfix takes care of the rest.

For the test, simply send a custom notification and see if it arrives.

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Test notification of downtime start/end worked, we’re set there

Next up is SMS which throws this:
Error: SMS Tools binaries (sendsms or smssend) not found and spool dir does not exists.

You still need to install the appropriate package (apt-get install…)
I would personally recommend something modern like pushover or something like that, unless SMS (old and insecure method) is explicitly requested.

I’m all for modernization, it’s just the checklist I have to run through

Which push-notify is your preferred?

I use Pushover and am very happy with it so far.
Can set criticality, give links to service or host, etc.
And 10000 notifications per month are free.

But there are certainly other users with different preferences.

Quick note on SMS: Though it is old and not the most secure technology (which should be more or less irrelevant for monitoring notifications), if you want out of band notifications (which do not rely on network services, let alone the internet) it is the only way to go.
Of course that would require a physical server with an SMS modem attached via USB.

*flies away, making modem noises*


i have setup mail and SMS notifications but was interested in push. i have one question you have 10k notifications for whole check_mk or for one user/contact group? Also you must pay that 5$ fee? If yes one time or monthly/yearly?

The $5 are unique per device technology. So 1x for web, 1x for Android and 1x for iOS.
But we don’t have more than 10k messages per month, we don’t even come close. That’s why I haven’t looked into it yet.
It should also be more of a goal to keep the notifications low, right?
The notifications are set up for all contacts.

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That is a fair point, things move slowly around here and since I have discovered how modern CMK is over Nagios is amazing!

I am exploring the push notification avenue with Pagerduty to email, text, call, and send carrier pigeons in the event of a severe outage but the API key is giving fits

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I do not use MS Office servers. There is no “mail” on my fresh Ubuntu 20.04:

Command ‘mail’ not found

So, unlike many other simple monitoring solutions, this so-called “raw” version does not know how to send email via SMTP?
Does it have any email interface?
Where is the “test email” button?
Is there any email plugin?

CMK raw and enterprise booth use the systems own mail transfer agent (MTA).
You have to configure your system in a way that it can forward mail to mail server.
It is possible to test your configuration inside the notification system found under “Setup”.

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