SMS Eagle plugin not working - Wrong parameters


Im currently testing a SMSeagle with checkmk enterprise and get the following error

First 2 lines are me trying the setup with the following parameters:

The last 2 lines was when I tried only the IP address like it is requested:

Neither of them worked. I already tested the SMSEagle by itself and the SMS are working.
Also I’m currently using a self signed certificate on the SMSeagle created on the GUI but already added to the trusted certificates so it shouldn’t matter?

Please help needed


is there a firewall between your checkmk host and the sms eagle device?
i.e. can you reach the URL via wget from the CLI?



Thanks for your time
It seems I still have errors with the SSL. I’m doing this on my test lab, will this be possible with self signed certificate?
Not sure if the issue Im having is related with this but its very possible.

But its weird cause I’ve added the SSL certificate to the trusted certificates

@gstolz I’m wondering if this will work with Self Signed or not. So far I’m not able to make it work

Hi Pedro,

I doubt it’s an issue with the self-signed cert, we’ve got a few smseagle at customers, I don’t think any of them replaced the built-in self signed cert.

The configuration without “http(s)://” should work, I wonder what the “Wrong parameters” error is about, afaiu the code, “wrong parameters” is returned from the sms eagle. So …

what firmware version of sms eagle do you have? (maybe they changed something in the API that needs to be adapted in the sms eagle plugin.)

please include the following 2 lines in ~/local/share/check_mk/notifications/smseagle, as lines 91 + 92:

        sys.stdout.write("URL: %s\n" % url)
        sys.stdout.write("Params: %s" % post)

note: don’t share the output directly, it will include user + password