SNMP Check for ISIS-MIB finishing touches - Help

Hi @Jiuka, (Marius)

Thank you for the response, I’ll admit I was hoping you would see this

I had a look at the tests you wrote, greatly appreciated. The purpose of the tests and the format are easier to understand with the context of functions I’m familiar with. Would it make sense to do a pull request to merge your branch? I could extend the test functions with more inputs to gain some further understanding.

I do have Docker, VSCode and Remote Containers, and VSCode detects the devcontainer when opening the folder. The issue is that I can’t save once it’s running, and I can’t connect to the running CheckMK site in my browser and the container becomes ‘unhealthy’ after a while.

Launch Container

Save Error (Trying to fix errors that flake8 detected)

Container OK

Container Unhealty

Previous to trying this dev process I was running CheckMK with docker (shown below) and manually pulling a repository into the container with git… but I would like to join the developer’s club and do it properly. I assume I just have to open the port on the devcontainer

docker container run -dit -p 8080:5000 --tmpfs /opt/omd/sites/cmk/tmp:uid=1000,gid=1000 -v/omd/sites --name monitoring -v/etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro --restart always checkmk/check-mk-raw:2.0.0-latest

Thanks again Marius, much appreciation.
