SNMP - Plugin - Basics


It seems that this may be a bug, I just don’t get it yet … Even if I force name = ‘ABC’ I get the same result? If I set to 1 then i get a message saying item must be string or empty?

def discovery_ani_storage(section):
  for service in section.keys():
   name = 'ABC'    
   print ("OUT:", name, " -- ", service, " -- ", section, " -- ", section[service])
   yield Service(item=name,parameters=section[service])

From: * checkmk/ at f9e4e5fe5bfa0dfda1d5ed605ade5740d23683e6 · tribe29/checkmk · GitHub

        def _parse_item(item: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
            if item is None:
                return None
            if (item and isinstance(item, str)):
                return item
            raise TypeError("'item' must be a non empty string or ommited entirely, got %r" % (item,))
