SNMP scan UDP port random

CMK version: 2.2.0p23
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04

I want to monitor our firewalls with SNMPv3. I ran a scan and it doesn’t work.
When i check our firewall log, i see multiple udp port who doesn’t match SNMP port like 33520, 33514, 33515, 33516, 33517, etc.

These look like the source ports for the UDP packets to the SNMP agent.
The destination port should be 161.



Thank you for your reply.

No this is destination port :

From cmk server to firewall.

I have never seen Checkmk trying to open random ports on the SNMP agent.

Me neither.
I monitor another firewall (same manufacturer, same OS) with another checkmk server (RAW 2.2.0p17). I opened same ports and it work.

After looking in firewall logs, it seems that the user/password was incorrect. Maybe some characters aren’t authorized in checkmk (maybe specials characters).
After changing the password without specials characters too special, it work on SNMP ports correctly.

Thanks for your time.