Sophos XG / XGS Check for CheckMK


I can try to improve the package and reduce the scripts to a minimal when i get some more time for this. But the check works for now.

The last request was implementing all appliance keys and i did it now. Im not sure when i have time to improve all scripts again.

The adverts… hmm yes i can understand that but i did it in my working hours and we need this check for our customers, so it‘s not my decision to remove our support Information or not. Customers with problems should contact us for support and i put the information in the detailed output.

But my company allowed me to put the check on github and exchange, so everyone can at least use it for free and also fork it to change the code as long you dont remove our company name and my name as Authors from the Source Code and create an own mkp Package.

Thats all i can offer for now :slight_smile: