SQL Cluster Availability group state

Hello dear community,

we have a SQL Server cluster. The synchronization is displayed in the MS SQL Server Management Studio. If everything works properly, the availability group state is “Healthy”.

My question: How can I monitor this in CheckMK?


You can work with the DMV sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states.
In this view you have a column called “synchronization_health_desc” that has the HEALTHY status.

Make a T-sql query and put it in a batch file so you get the output that checkmk can understand.

I run this select

select count(synchronization_health_desc)
from sys.dm_hadr_database_replica_states
where synchronization_health_desc <>‘HEALTHY’

And the output I get in checkmk is something like this:
“There are 0 databases in unhealthy state, Unhealthy: 0.00”

I followed the guidelines in the Checkmk docs

Good luck!


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