Stale Service in WEB-Interface but working in Service-Discovery and CLI


Version: Checkmk Raw Edition 2.2.0p6

I have been experimenting a bit with snmp-plugins and noticed, that they were stale within the web-interface.
However when looking at the service through the service-discovery it did provide fresh results.
Removing and then discovering the services worked as well.
Testing my plugins via the “cmk -nv --plugin=plugin_name host” command worked as well.

The nagios.log gives me the following line for each service:
Warning: Check result queue contained results for service ‘Unimplemented check snmp_test / Uptime’ on host ‘host’, but the service could not be found! Perhaps you forgot to define the service in your config files?

This warning seems a bit strange to me since i can discover(WEB) and execute the service in the command line.

Is there a difference between checks executed via the cmk -nv host command or the Service-Discovery and the checks visible in the Web-Interface?
Would anybody know which part of my plugin I would have to take a look at again (e.g. register.check_plugin, register.snmp_section)?
