`Status of the Checkmk services` not working

I followed the tutorial from Fine-tuning the monitoring. But the second part with Status of the Checkmk services is not working. I have the same options as visible in screenshot and the rule applies to the host.

Currently the Check_mk service is still in Crit status with (Service Check Timed Out), but should be OK.

Any help?

CMK version: Checkmk Raw Edition 2.2.0p3
OS version: Ubuntu 22.04

Hi @rvk6eDpoO,

which host are you trying to monitor? Is it a host with a Checkmk Agent?
If yes, please make sure that the Checkmk Agent is running and listening on Port 6556.
Is the Checkmk Server able to reach the host, or are there maybe firewalls inbetween them?

You need to provide a few more information to troubleshoot this further.

Thanks in advance!

Hi @Norm

Thanks for your answer but you misunderstood my request. The hosts are correctly down and I want CheckMK to ignore connection problems. In the documentation this scenario is explained here [1], but it’s not working for me.

Do you have any ideas?

[1] Fine-tuning the monitoring

Hey @rvk6eDpoO,
oh, sorry my bad. :sweat_smile:

Can you maybe share a screenshot of your status of the Checkmk services rule?

Thanks in advance!


Effective parameter of Host:


Hi @Norm

Do you see anything wrong?


Hi @rvk6eDpoO

You rule contains a tag in the condition, which must be set on the host in question.
Have you set up this tag on the host, in order for the rule to apply?


Hi @openmindz

Yes, I set this tag to the host. As you can see in screenshot 2, the rule is applied to the host.

Even if I choose an explicit host without any other conditions it doesn’t work as expected.

Hi @rvk6eDpoO

When you search the hostname of this host, in “Rule search”, does this rule come up?
If it doesn’t then some criterion, doesn’t match.

Alternatively/additionally verify that the tags that are set for this particular host. You can do this by selecting “show host tags” from the “display” menu in “setup”:


Hi Thomas

The search in “Rule search” after the hostname is empty. But I don’t quite understand why searching for the hostname in rule search should give a result?

I verified that the host is tagged with always_up:no.


Hi @rvk6eDpoO

As far as I can see, rhen I have a host called “CHECKMK”-something, and search for it in “Rule search”:

Every rule that matches, is returned:

This is the host I searched for:

If this isn’t the case for you, then your rule conditions, don’t apply
to the host in question for some reason. This points to a potential
misconfiguration in another part (e.g. tag assignment or similar).


Hi Thomas

I somehow still don’t understand your approach. “Rule search” as the name suggests, just look for rules.

And since I can’t see any other rules under “Rules search” for this host (working ones), it would reinforce my assumption.

If I’m looking into hosts “Effective parameters” or “Rules”, on both I see my rule correctly linked (see screenshot above).

Is this rule working for your offline hosts? If yes, can you share a screenshot of them with me?


Hi @rvk6eDpoO

It’s just a different way of finding which rules apply to which hosts. My experience in general is, if you search for your host in “rule search”, and the rule you’re interested in does not appear, it does not match.

I do not use this rule at all. I do not have such a setup regarding offline hosts as you do.
I just tried to “reconstruct” your issue on one of my instances, and can’t reproduce it.

Can you share screenshots of the tag you created, and the host where the tag assignment is visible?
