[Survey - Results are in!] Micro survey #6: What does your Checkmk site look like?

Greetings community,

The results are in!
First and foremost: Thank you so much for taking part in this survey!
It is really interesting to get a glimpse of what the average user interface looks like for you.

Here is what we learned:

  • 84% use the dark theme
  • 61% use the icons per topic (green) while 39% use the colored icons per entry (pretty close!)
  • 73% change the number of columns in the host view from 3 to either 1 (52%), 2 (18%) or more than 3 (3%).
  • 75% have ‘Show more’ always enabled, only 4% have ‘Show more’ never enabled
  • 55% have the sidebar on the right, but of those who choose the light theme, 71% have the sidebar on the left.
  • All participants use Checkmk on their desktop and 15% use it on their mobile phone.

We are using these results as a starting point for further research, particularly into the use of Checkmk on mobile devices, the usability of the ‘show more’ pattern and the benefits of icons per topic/entry.
We are also currently evaluating the impact of changing the default number of columns in host views from 3 to 1.

Thank you all for taking part and giving us an interesting insight into your Checkmk site!