Tribe-29-checkmk-datasource, oversight in the documentation


I’m on Check_mk Raw 2.1.0

And I integrate Check_mk in Grafana with the new connector as explain here :

However I found an oversight in the documentation.

After the wget and the unzip on grafana server, we have to check the permissions.

root@grafana:/var/lib/grafana/plugins# ls -lh
total 404K
drwxr-x--- 7 root    root    4,0K 28 mars  16:27 grafana-checkmk-datasource
drwxr-x--- 4 grafana grafana 4,0K 30 sept.  2019 grafana-checkmk-datasource-1.1.0
drwxr-x--- 4 grafana grafana 4,0K  6 mai   16:45 natel-discrete-panel

As we see, the new collector (grafana-checkmk-datasource) is root:root, I try but that not works.

So we have to do a chwon -R :

root@grafana:/var/lib/grafana/plugins# chown -R grafana:grafana grafana-checkmk-datasource

root@grafana:/var/lib/grafana/plugins# ls -lh
total 404K
drwxr-x--- 7 grafana grafana 4,0K 28 mars  16:27 grafana-checkmk-datasource
drwxr-x--- 4 grafana grafana 4,0K 30 sept.  2019 grafana-checkmk-datasource-1.1.0
drwxr-x--- 4 grafana grafana 4,0K  6 mai   16:45 natel-discrete-panel

So now it’s ok, I can see the tribe-29-checkmk-datasource on grafana


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