Unique ID of folders

CMK version:2.2.0p24
*OS version:Rocky Linux 9.3


For example, you can find a folder with the RestAPI, but only under the unique ID. So if you have changed the name of the folder, the unique ID is of course still the same, but you cannot see it directly. The error here is that folders cannot be found with the RestAPI unless you have the unique ID. To simplify everything and have a better overview, I would like to be able to change the unique ID or have the RestAPI work with the “Title” instead of the unique ID. Does anyone have a solution or alternative?

Thank you very much!

In the global settings you can switch off “Hide internal folder names in WATO”.

With that switched off you can change the “internal” name of a setup folder.

It’s basically the filesystem directory name below $OMD_ROOT/etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato.

Hi @r.sander

thank you for your fast response. Is it possible to automatically change the unique ID at the same time when I change the folder name?

Hi @r.sander ,

I have a problem with the renaming of the unique ID. If I change the unique ID of a folder and click on save, it changes automatically back to the previous unique ID. Can you tell me something about that?