Up2date high-level architecture map available?

hi community / tribe29,

i’m just (and once again) wondering, if there is any up2date figure available showing checkmk’s high-level architecture emphasizing its components and their relations to each other? i just got this 2013 map with candidates like API or bakery still missing resp. not being displayed yet. moreover, cross-links to integrations like grafana etc. would be appreciated for the “big picture” both for engineering/operating and decissionmaking in/using checkmk.

maybe some nice map is already on its way? :wink:

Hi @brm, thanks for bringing this up!

We have this map but I think we should make it more accessible, for example in the manual.


THX - looks+sounds great!!

Thanks for the updated arch map.
What tool was used to draw this diagram ?
What is the license term for this diagram ?