Using CheckMK rest-api extract metrics

Hi @andreas-doehler ,

I looked at the link you mentioned, so for example

`curl -k ` `"https://klappanas/daily/check_mk/"` `-d ` `'request={"specification":["forecast","forecast_graph_4"],"data_range":{"time_range":[1616062956,1616513102]}}'`

The things I would have to change for my case would be,

  1. The link, the right hand side is the hostname and sitename I am using
https://klappanas/daily/check_mk/ =
  1. For the automation and secret, where do I get that info? As i only have a username and password.

  2. For this request part:


I am not sure where to find the forecast graphs in my host, is it the same as service graph? I assume forecast_graph_4 is the name of the graph correct?

Just to give you an idea, this is what I see on my end, for example I want to grab this data: