View with SLA hosts


we are using the managed service edition (currently 2.1.0p25) and I wanted to create a SLA dashboard for my colleagues.

The first part was easily done: Adding a view with shows all our customers with the hosts in the SLA group only. Clicking on the customers name in the first row links to a view with only that customer (showing only SLA hosts, just as I wanted)

Since scrolling to a specific customer can take quite a while that first attempt is nice, but not very practical. So I cloned the view and tried to get rid of the host list. I only wanted a customer list with the same functionality as the first one: clicking on the host name brings me to a SLA-hosts-only-view.
However, I’m unable to get rid of the host list. At least one column is required for such a view.

So, can someone help me here?


I’m one step further: I created a new view with all customers and added a link to view “Hosts - Hosts (report_hosts)”, which does exactly what I want.

Now, to make that useful, I also added a few columns to this one so that the support team can directly see if there are any problems.
I can add something like “Customers: Customer number of hosts”, which shows all the hosts.
And there is “Customers: Customer number of services in state CRIT” which show all the the crits.

Of course I need that to be only SLA hosts and services of SLA hosts. Is that possible?

EDIT: I solved it another way: I cloned the standard view with the host and service problems and filtered that view. Can I set that as default view for all users?