Virtual Machine(Windows) Disk Space

Hello, I am currently running the most recent free version of checkmk appliance (2.2.0p17). I have it pretty much entirely setup the way I want it, but the one thing I can’t figure out is how to see disk space on our windows virtual machines.

We are running vmware 8.0.2, VMware ESX via vSphere is setup correctly and I can see all hosts/VMs in checkMK, as well as all ESXi datastores. Each VM is not showing a filesystem service though.

Is this normal? Is showing the VM disk space even possible in CheckMK?

Any and all help is very much appreciated.

did you install the agent?

Hello Anders, thanks for the reply. The agent is installed on a test VM, yes. Am I supposed to install the agent somewhere else?

Every VM is an independet system. Every VM needs the agent.
Time you learn about central softwaremanagement or better switch to the enterprise version to have all advantages of the bakery etc…


Yes you need the Checkmk agent installed on every VM.
There is no way to retrieve interval information (like filesystem usage) via the vSphere API.

I understand this. The agent is installed on a VM and I am still unable to see the filesystem of that VM.

I think I found the issue though. All the VMs were created by automation and the checkmk agent / api integration setting is locked on “No API Integrations, no Checkmk agent”

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check the windows-firewall if you have more problems to receive informations.

This should be changed to:

API integrations if configured, else Checkmk agent

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When using the DCD for VMs do not use it to set host properties like this.
It makes it impossible to change them afterwards.