VMware vCenter VM templates considered as snapshots by Checkmk?

We are monitoring our vCenter with the included VMware client:
Setup → Agents → VM, Cloud, Container → VMware ESX via vSphere

To avoid having old snapshots we have set some alarm levels on the age of the snapshots under:
Setup → Services → Service monitoring rules → Virtual Machine Snapshots

Detecting snapshots etc works fine… and if the VM itself is monitored with Checkmk the result is displayed under that host. That is perfect!

But then we also have some ‘VM Templates’ in the vCenter

And these templates seems to be considered as snapshots so we end up with this alarm.

Does anyone know if this is the intention with the check or if it is a bug?

We are running: 2.1.0p14.cee on
Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS