Weekly occurrence until OS reboot: Missing monitoring data for plugins, winperf_if WARN, winperf_phydisk WARN, winperf_processor_util WARN

this issue has been long struggle with checkmk agent on Windows Server 2022 with WSUS, DFS and PRINTER roles only. Other 60 Windows agents with various versions of Windows OS and pre / on 2.3.0.p7 versions of agents are functioning without problems.

I have 2 machines (this is one of them) where agent’s WinPerf, Physical disk and CPU utilization services fell out out of CheckMK with error message below. Restarting agent does not help, Re-installing agent is impossible due to corruption errors, nothing helps except one thing - reboot of operating system. After that, everything is normal for about a week, same thing all over again. Event Viewer, except Event ID 35, is not showing anything pertaining to OS nor checkmk service.

I had reinstalled OS from scratch, only for the issue to re-appear. I am suspecting it may have something to do with .NET or one of the roles or its components at play, impacting state of Performance Monitor OS facility, but I am unable to confirm it via manual query of it using the console it provides. Performance Monitor is functioning without issues. This issue has been there even on version 2.2.

Can someone please explain or shed some light on relationship of Performance Monitor and checkmk agent? Why only physical disk and CPU utilization, but not Memory or other metrics are impacted?

Why does OS reboot help the issue for a week, only to re-appear in the same manner?

any information is appreciated!


The description for Event ID 35 from source checkmk cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer.

If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event.

The following information was included with the event: 

checkmk service uses log path 'C:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\log'

The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table

CMK version:
OMD - Open Monitoring Distribution Version 2.3.0p7.cre

OS version:
NAME=“Rocky Linux”
VERSION=“9.4 (Blue Onyx)”
ID_LIKE=“rhel centos fedora”
PRETTY_NAME=“Rocky Linux 9.4 (Blue Onyx)”

Agent 2.2p26:


PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-WindowsFeature | Where-Object {$_. installstate -eq "installed"}

Display Name                                            Name                       Install State
------------                                            ----                       -------------
[X] File and Storage Services                           FileAndStorage-Services        Installed
    [X] File and iSCSI Services                         File-Services                  Installed
        [X] File Server                                 FS-FileServer                  Installed
        [X] DFS Namespaces                              FS-DFS-Namespace               Installed
    [X] Storage Services                                Storage-Services               Installed
[X] Print and Document Services                         Print-Services                 Installed
    [X] Print Server                                    Print-Server                   Installed
[X] Web Server (IIS)                                    Web-Server                     Installed
    [X] Web Server                                      Web-WebServer                  Installed
        [X] Common HTTP Features                        Web-Common-Http                Installed
            [X] Default Document                        Web-Default-Doc                Installed
            [X] Static Content                          Web-Static-Content             Installed
        [X] Performance                                 Web-Performance                Installed
            [X] Dynamic Content Compression             Web-Dyn-Compression            Installed
        [X] Security                                    Web-Security                   Installed
            [X] Request Filtering                       Web-Filtering                  Installed
            [X] Windows Authentication                  Web-Windows-Auth               Installed
        [X] Application Development                     Web-App-Dev                    Installed
            [X] .NET Extensibility 4.8                  Web-Net-Ext45                  Installed
            [X] ASP.NET 4.8                             Web-Asp-Net45                  Installed
            [X] ISAPI Extensions                        Web-ISAPI-Ext                  Installed
            [X] ISAPI Filters                           Web-ISAPI-Filter               Installed
    [X] Management Tools                                Web-Mgmt-Tools                 Installed
        [X] IIS Management Console                      Web-Mgmt-Console               Installed
        [X] IIS 6 Management Compatibility              Web-Mgmt-Compat                Installed
            [X] IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility            Web-Metabase                   Installed
[X] Windows Server Update Services                      UpdateServices                 Installed
    [X] WID Connectivity                                UpdateServices-WidDB           Installed
    [X] WSUS Services                                   UpdateServices-Services        Installed
[X] .NET Framework 4.8 Features                         NET-Framework-45-Fea...        Installed
    [X] .NET Framework 4.8                              NET-Framework-45-Core          Installed
    [X] ASP.NET 4.8                                     NET-Framework-45-ASPNET        Installed
    [X] WCF Services                                    NET-WCF-Services45             Installed
        [X] HTTP Activation                             NET-WCF-HTTP-Activat...        Installed
        [X] TCP Port Sharing                            NET-WCF-TCP-PortShar...        Installed
[X] Azure Arc Setup                                     AzureArcSetup                  Installed
[X] Group Policy Management                             GPMC                           Installed
[X] Microsoft Defender Antivirus                        Windows-Defender               Installed
[X] Remote Server Administration Tools                  RSAT                           Installed
    [X] Role Administration Tools                       RSAT-Role-Tools                Installed
        [X] Windows Server Update Services Tools        UpdateServices-RSAT            Installed
            [X] API and PowerShell cmdlets              UpdateServices-API             Installed
            [X] User Interface Management Console       UpdateServices-UI              Installed
        [X] File Services Tools                         RSAT-File-Services             Installed
            [X] DFS Management Tools                    RSAT-DFS-Mgmt-Con              Installed
        [X] Print and Document Services Tools           RSAT-Print-Services            Installed
[X] System Data Archiver                                System-DataArchiver            Installed
[X] Windows Internal Database                           Windows-Internal-Dat...        Installed
[X] Windows PowerShell                                  PowerShellRoot                 Installed
    [X] Windows PowerShell 5.1                          PowerShell                     Installed
[X] Windows Process Activation Service                  WAS                            Installed
    [X] Process Model                                   WAS-Process-Model              Installed
    [X] Configuration APIs                              WAS-Config-APIs                Installed
[X] WoW64 Support                                       WoW64-Support                  Installed
[X] XPS Viewer                                          XPS-Viewer                     Installed

Error message:
[agent] Success, [piggyback] Success (but no data found for this host), Missing monitoring data for plugins, winperf_if WARN , winperf_phydisk WARN , winperf_processor_util WARN , execution time 138.4 sec

Output of “cmk --debug -vvn hostname”: (If it is a problem with checks or plugins)
OMD[monitoring]:~$ cmk --debug -vvn cainfmgtapp02
value store: synchronizing
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/tmp/check_mk/counters/cainfmgtapp02
Got lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/tmp/check_mk/counters/cainfmgtapp02
value store: loading from disk
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/tmp/check_mk/counters/cainfmgtapp02
Released lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/tmp/check_mk/counters/cainfmgtapp02
Checkmk version 2.3.0p7
Updating IPv4 DNS cache for cainfmgtapp02:
Trying to acquire lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache
Got lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache
Releasing lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache
Released lock on /omd/sites/monitoring/var/check_mk/ipaddresses.cache

    Source: SourceInfo(hostname=‘cainfmgtapp02’, ipaddress=‘’, ident=‘piggyback’, fetcher_type=<FetcherType.PIGGYBACK: 4>, source_type=<SourceType.HOST: 1>)
    [cpu_tracking] Start [7f4a2fa6b080]
    Read from cache: NoCache(cainfmgtapp02, path_template=/dev/null, max_age=MaxAge(checking=0.0, discovery=0.0, inventory=0.0), simulation=False, use_only_cache=False, file_cache_mode=1)
    Piggyback file ‘/omd/sites/monitoring/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/cainfmgtapp02/cainfprdhpv04’: Successfully processed from source ‘cainfprdhpv04’
    No piggyback files for ‘’. Skip processing.
    Get piggybacked data
    [cpu_tracking] Stop [7f4a2fa6b080 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
    [cpu_tracking] Start [7f4a30282ae0]
    <<<hyperv_vmstatus:cached(1720539086,90)>>> / Transition NOOPParser → HostSectionParser
    <<<hyperv_checkpoints:cached(1720539086,90)>>> / Transition HostSectionParser → HostSectionParser
    <<labels:sep(0)>> / Transition HostSectionParser → HostSectionParser
    HostKey(hostname=‘cainfmgtapp02’, source_type=<SourceType.HOST: 1>) → Add sections: [‘hyperv_checkpoints’, ‘hyperv_vmstatus’, ‘labels’]
    Received no piggyback data
    Piggyback file ‘/omd/sites/monitoring/tmp/check_mk/piggyback/cainfmgtapp02/cainfprdhpv04’: Successfully processed from source ‘cainfprdhpv04’
    No piggyback files for ‘’. Skip processing.
    [cpu_tracking] Stop [7f4a30282ae0 - Snapshot(process=posix.times_result(user=0.0, system=0.0, children_user=0.0, children_system=0.0, elapsed=0.0))]
    [piggyback] Successfully processed from source ‘cainfprdhpv04’, execution time 0.0 sec | execution_time=0.000 user_time=0.000 system_time=0.000 children_user_time=0.000 children_system_time=0.000 cmk_time_agent=0.000

anyone has any idea?

Reinstall the Windows server. If WMI is broken, then it is most times a deep internal problem in the installation.

oh see you already installed :slight_smile:
Then one of the many applications on this system breaks the WMI.
I would strongly recommend to split the functions of this server a little bit.
You are sure you need all these features on one machine?

I agree, that was my initial take. Something does happen to or break windows management interface. I just wanted to understand and hear more on agent’s reliance on wmi or winrm which can only be fixed by a reboot. I can try peeling roles off, but if it turns out PRINTER or WSUS role specifically, how would i go figuring out the same (reliance on and problems with wmi) in relation to that specific role?

such a weird issue. thanks for your response

After updating windows agents to 2.3p7, issue has disappeared. Looks like issue related to 2.2.x branch of agents and Windows performance monitor crashing.

I have the same problem. But with all Windows Servers. After a reboot for windows updates i have to do a second reboot. After that the missing perf data is back again.
The update to 2.3.0p13 doesnt solve it.
Did you do anything else?