What and how to fix Service stale

CMK version: 2.2.0p24

geting this service is stale for the device that up. any idea to fix this? my other nodes not having this error. same version and also os


the background is, that stale services are services that where not refreshed for the last 1.5 check intervals. This means, that the source of the information (whatever that is in this case) does not provide the necessary data with current values / status.

Regarding your problem, what are these devices you are monitoring ?
You configured them to use the checkmk agent and SNMP. Are you sure, that this is correct ?

The checkmk agent seems to not be installed and is getting a connection refused, so either it is not installed or a firewall is blocking port 6556. Or these are hardware devices where the checkmk agent is not installed ?

via snmp but i create rules for the checkmk service to light green. Actual check via snmp.
as i mentioned i tried to configure this host to different server with same version and its showing ok. only on this server the issue apear

Please change the hosts settings to “no API Integration, no checkmk agent”, there is no need to paint the checkmk agent green when it is even not installed.

Make sure that you can reach the server via snmp (firewalling), that SNMP is configured correctly in the hosts settings in checkmk and on the device itself.
You can try a discovery in checkmk to see if services are being discovered and you can also try the connection tests.

SNMP Debugging is described in this blog article :

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if i access cli then i type cmk --check the stale error is missing but after 60 second it came back