Windows Tasks Monitoring New

With actual 2.0 i have some problem for monitoring Windows tasks.

First problem is that the discovery finds all tasks that are not with the state “Disabled” but with German Windows the agent script outputs “Deaktiviert”.
Result all disabled tasks are discovered.

Second problem is the output line for every task with the task state.
On some tasks you get outputs like this.

Scheduled Task State : wann sich der Standard von Firefox

It makes no sense :slight_smile:
I made a rewrite of the agent script and the check plugin to fix these problems.
It would be good, if someone can test it and give some feedback if it works.

The check itself is not written as a new 2.0 check as the original windows_tasks check is also legacy but it works with 2.0.

There, I identified your problem. :slight_smile:

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It’s not my problem only from our customers :smiley:
But the original agent script is a very strange construct.

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