Wrong value for size of Total Capacity StoreOnce

After a look at my storeonce check i saw that the factor inside the storeonce.include file is completely wrong.

def check_storeonce_space(item, params, values):
    total_bytes, cloud_bytes, local_bytes = _get_storeonce_space_values(values, "Capacity")
    free_bytes, free_cloud_bytes, free_local_bytes = _get_storeonce_space_values(
        values, "Free Space")
    factor = 1024 * 2
    yield df_check_filesystem_list(
        item, params,
        [(item, total_bytes / factor, free_bytes / factor, 0)])  # fixed: true-division 

I don’t know why the factor is “1024 * 2” it should be “1024 * 1024”.
This error was introduce two years before with Werk 6488.
In my system i use the old version before this werk that’s why i have a correct value :slight_smile: