Your feedback is needed: Checkmk Feature Pack 2


Has anyone been able to work with the new prometheus plugin? I’ve installed it on version 1.6.0.p12 which came with prometheus-1.0.mkp, but on enabling kube-state-metrics a full scan fails with an error.

 Starting job...
  [special_prometheus] Execute data source
  [special_prometheus] ERROR: Agent exited with code 1: 'with_cpu_limits'

  [piggyback] Execute data source
No piggyback files for 'prometheus-server.prometheus.svc.cluster.local'. Skip processing.
No piggyback files for ''. Skip processing.

I did an “mkp remove prometheus” and installed the latest version 1.1 from the exchange site, but the error persists.

I then updated check_mk to 1.6.0p13, no changes.

We’re running prometheus v2.18.1.

If we don’t use kube-state-metrics and we use the node exporter or cAdvisor the scan works ok.

Provided info I can troubleshoot this more thoroughly.

Also, I’m not sure about this, but it seems the node-exporter is cycling in round robin fashion through all the kubernetes nodes when getting CPU and memory info.
