How to monitor MS SQL server

how to monitor ms sql server with checkmk and and what server role user needs to be able to monitor sql server

Have a look at the catalog of check plugins: Check Plug-Ins Catalog

The checks need the Checkmk mssql.vbs plugin installed in the agent.

Usually the SYSTEM account the checkmk agent is running under has sufficient rights to connect to the SQL server.

More details can be found in the header of the plugin: checkmk/mssql.vbs at master · tribe29/checkmk · GitHub

there is no clear instruction or tutorial how to monitor ms sql server with checkmk its allways like check this check that out.

i just wana buy this product to make my job easy i dont wana speend hours days try to find how it works

Hey, relax and slow down a bit. you have received a perfectly valid and helpful response. for free. In about an hour’s time after asking. It’s a community forum here, not a commercial support channel!


Hi @Ntahir

take a look here: Monitoring MySQL

This blog article might be helpful as well: Monitoring of different server types: SQL servers | Checkmk


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where can i download mssql.vbs and is this the only file i need to monitor ms sql server


If you read the resources that the community has provided here, you will find everything.

The path is here: Monitoring MySQL

PS> copy "c:\Program Files (x86)\checkmk\service\plugins\mk_mysql.vbs" c:\ProgramData\checkmk\agent\plugins\

ok thanks i found it and copied it. what is the next step?

@Ntahir , as already wrote: This is a user community, which offers help from one user to the other.

This is NOT a commercial support channel.

Read the manual, it gives you all instructions you need to know.

and what role and permision the user should have for the user credintials?

The answer is in the previously linked article as well, right at the very top: Monitoring MySQL

so please, I beg you: RTFM :wink:

ok i get ony the user who are paying will get the help and answer all others must read the articles

Do not confuse MySQL with MS SQL…

You are the first one that may enter my block list in this forum.


Sorry, you are right.

yah do can you please send me the article link for ms sql server

Hi @Ntahir,

I request you to please be considerate of the people who responded to you in this thread, especially as they have shown how genuinely they want to help you. I have hidden one of your posts which clearly is in the “Dont’s” stated here. (unhelpful criticism, aggressively demanding for answers).

This is a community forum powered mostly by enthusiastic Checkmk users who want to help people like you. It’s unfair to give them this kind of treatment.

If we see this again, the admins will have to silence your account.



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