2023 December Community Bulletin & Happy Holidays!

:newspaper: Updates

Hello Community! I hope you are all having joyful holidays! :christmas_tree:

I am grateful for one more year of supporting each other in achieving efficient monitoring. We have many plans for the next year and we are looking forward to being together again with you on this adventure.

Short overview of December news

Checkmk at FOSDEM and Config Management Camp

We are getting ready: preparing everything for our stand at FOSDEM and a talk at CfgMgmtCamp 2024!

We will be happy to chat with our community members, so if you are going to either event, let’s get in touch!

2.3 Roadmap

We have prepared an update on the future 2.3 Roadmap. Check it out if you have not yet: https://forum.checkmk.com/t/nov-2023-checkmk-2-3-roadmap-update/42891


Some more important updates on Checkmk – now about the development API. Check out our plans: Important news regarding Development APIs

Once again, I want to thank you for being together during the last month of the year, as well as throughout the year.

Looking forward to seeing you in 2024!
