[Nov 2023] Checkmk 2.3 roadmap update

Dear Checkmk community,

We want share with you the latest updates on Checkmk 2.3 and news for our Ideas Portal.

Roadmap Changes:
Before delving into the details, we encourage you to explore the Checkmk 2.3 roadmap for a comprehensive overview. Additionally, gain valuable insights from our roadmap presentation for added context.

A key focus for Checkmk 2.3 is the enhancement of development APIs, aimed at significantly improving the update experience post Checkmk 2.3. This particularly benefits anyone using MKPs or custom monitoring extensions. Our goal is to provide very stable APIs as we already did with the agent-based API introduced in Checkmk 2.0 (remained unchanged since its introduction). Thus we decided to dedicate more time to this topic and therefore deprioritize other topics.

The following topics are deferred:

  • Show setup folders in table
  • Built-in minimalist role for registering agent updater
  • Improved handling of incompatible changes
  • Validation of configuration and statefiles at update
  • New cloud monitoring checks

On the positive side, we are introducing Time-Based One-Time Password (TOTP) support for Two-Factor Authentication (2FA), an addition not initially planned. Further details on additional features coming to 2.3 will be communicated with the release.

As we progress, many planned features are nearing completion and are visible in current daily builds. However, some topics are at risk, and we will provide more information as we approach the release date. Expect updates of the roadmap section on the website in the coming days.

Update on idea portal
We’ve made improvements to better reflect the status of suggestions in our roadmap planning. Here are notable suggestions with a new status:

The following highly voted suggestions are now in

Regarding the Mobile App, we want to stress that it involves high investment, effort, and risk. We will carefully evaluate it before committing to a timeline.
Also, at Checkmk we work on ideas based on business needs, customer demand, and resource availability. For strategic reasons, we reserve the right to re-evaluate the priority and/or scope of this feature as new information becomes available. We therefore ask for your understanding that we do not guarantee its implementation.

This announcement reflects our commitment to transparency, a response to valuable user feedback requesting more insight into the roadmap’s status. I will shortly add a post also on further details on the development APIs for the folks interested in the Exchange category.

If you have inquiries or feedback, feel free to reach out to us via feedback@checkmk.com.

Happy monitoring!
Martin for the Checkmk team.