Assign Servicegroup based on check_command


we have several local checks running on the servers-. These are mainly defined by the local admins of the servers and I want to assign these services to a special contact group (containing exactly these local admins)

My idea was to assign them to a service group (directly or indirectly via label o tags)

I am able to filter in a view based on check_command but I did not find any rule which allows me to use the check_command for grouping, assigning labels or tags.

I would have expect a standard label for the check command or a rule which allows me to assign a label based on the command.

How can I achieve that?

Regards Michael

Why not just recommend a service naming scheme that adds a common prefix or suffix that you can create a rule for?

Hi Lance,

Why not just recommend a service naming scheme that adds a common prefix or suffix that you can create a rule for?

This would require that everyone follows this naming scheme. If possible in any way I do not want to restrict the users and/or have a need for someone to take care of the convention.

Actually we have a bunch of services which are the central admins are responsible for. For centrally defined services the central admins are able to create a assign them to the application admins
where appropriate. But all locally defined services are per definition in the responsibility of the local admins.

If someone would not follow the convention the service would notify the central admins. So I want to keep the notifications at these persons which are in responsibility.

A grouping based on check_command seems obvious for that.

Regards Michael

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