Cannot register host - failed to discover agent receiver port

I’ve installed the agent and added a host to checkmk however i’m getting the following error when registering:


I have tried adding in manually the TLS registry files as these were missing and rebooted the server but this hasn’t resolved the issue.

I can also confirm that ports 8000, 80 and 6556 are open to the checkmk server both ways.

Anyone come across this error before?

Hi there,
it seems to me that this is a firewall problem. Could you please check again if the Server is reachable on port 80 (or 443) and 8000 - you can check if the agent receiver is listening on port 8000 (on your server) with this command:

omd config show | grep AGENT_RECEIVER


This documentation here contains a excellent troubleshooting section:

And here you´ll find a overview of the ports you need (it depends on what you want to do)

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Yes I’ve already tested port 80 and 8000 are open and listening on the checkmk server. Only port 443 is not listening. I’ve added into the registration commands ports 80 and 8000 and I still get this error.


Also testing port connection to checkmk from the source:


Why is the error with ‘Error with HTTP’ showing the URL used is HTTPS?

Seeing this in agent log, not sure if related or not but around the time I sent registration request and it failed?

You are mixing up agent controller registration and agent updater registration. We know that the current situation has room for improvements, but for now let’s register the monitoring agent first. Do not care about the reasons, just skip port detection by specifying the port on the command line. Deeplink to relevant anchor:

I’m not mixing anything up both the controller registration and the agent updater registration is throwing back these errors.

Let’s do agent controller registration first. Which CMK (version and edition) are you using? Can you please paste the command line you are using?

RedHat Enterprise 7.9


Please click the link above to find out how to specify the agent receiver port to skip this detection. It’s basically just adding the port to the server argument:

--server cmkserver:8000

I’ve already done this but here is it again the result:


From checkmk connection tests:

Can you please try if a simple telnet connects:

telnet 8000

Again this is already shown in my previous posts above per screenshots, but I’ll do it again now:


And yes the other ports 6556, 80, 443 are open both ways.

To register, you might want to use proxy registration: Monitoring Windows - The new agent for Windows in detail

Since I never want to rule out bugs in Checkmk: Which versions are you using? The agent seems to be 2.1.0p12, I do not know the server. Which exact Windows are you using? I will build an exactly similar setup.

Checkmk server is Linux RedHat 7.9

Checkmk Version is 2.1.0p12, agent is also the same version baked/signed etc…


Server is Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard


Please update to 2.1.0p35, the release you are using is more than one year old.

I tried registration by proxy and nothing happened:

We might have had some old Windows related bugs in the earlier 2.1 agents, so please update first. Then I will play in a similar setup.

BTW: Can you confirm no one tinkered with certificates?

None has tinkered with the certificates I was able to register on different hosts.

So 2.1.0p35 and not 2.2.0p12?