[Check_mk (english)] Monitoring hosts that are connected only intermittently

I'm using omd 1.00 on wheezy, which encompasses check_mk 1.2.2p2 and
does not seem to incorporate this functionality.

I found [Nagios-users] How to disable check-host-alive | Nagios Core
and thought, I might let WATO create the nagios config and manually
removie the check_command line from that.
However, WATO does not write this to a nagios config file, but just to
its own rule-file:
/omd/sites/uvw/etc/check_mk/conf.d/wato/rules.mk: ( 'check_arbitrary',
, ['xyz', 'abc', 'def'] ),

As the check_command in this version of check_mk obviously requires a
valid value and does not accept 'Always assume the host to be up' I then
implemented the following work-around:

$ cat /opt/omd/sites/uvw/local/lib/nagios/plugins/check_always_ok
echo "OK - assumingly ok"

$ cat opt/omd/sites/uvw/etc/nagios/conf.d/commands.cfg
# 'check_always_ok' command definition
define command{
    command_name check_always_ok
    command_line $USER2$/check_always_ok

That did the trick.

Thanks, Tom, for steering me in the right direction,


On 09.05.2016 19:01, Thomas Wittmann wrote:

no it should run out of the box. I use 1.2.6p16 cre

Thomas Wittmann
Von meinem iPhone gesendet

Am 09.05.2016 um 15:29 schrieb Michael Ionescu <mhi@ionescu.de

Hi Tom,

Thanks for the pointer. I'm taking it literally and am getting the
following error when I try to activate the ruleset:

Error: Host check command 'Always assume the host to be up' specified
for host 'xyz' is not defined anywhere!

Is there some prerequisite in point of version or additional plug-ins
that needs to be satisfied or did I misunderstand?


On May 9, 2016 9:15:34 AM GMT+02:00, Thomas Wittmann >> <tom.teel@gmail.com <mailto:tom.teel@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Goto WATO -> Monitoring Configuration -> Host check command & make
    a rule for your hosts. In this rule, define the host check command
    as "Always assume the host to be up"

    2016-05-09 5:14 GMT+02:00 Michael Ionescu <mhi@ionescu.de

        Hi all,

        I have some hosts for which are by definition unavailable
        some, if not
        most of the time, due to being either down or not connected to
        the local
        network. (mobile devices, NAS for backups (WOL) etc.)

        What is the preferred method to permanently keep their host
        down status
        from cluttering up my "Host Problems (unhandled)" section without
        impeding service checks for when these hosts are actually

        checkmk-en mailing list

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.