Checkmk cannot access the GUI


I installed and configured checkmk on Red hat version 9 with the site “monitor”. I can’t access the GUI of the site, I try to connect to it with http://servernaam/site/. I used Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge

Here under are some information:

Is anybody familiar with this issue and the solution?

Hard to say given the info presented.
Have you allowed ports on the firewall?
If it’s firewalld based this might show you something.
$ firewall-cmd --list-all-zones

Have you set a policy for selinux for apache?
$ setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect


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Hi Scotsie,

Thank you for your response, I deactived the firewall on the server and still can’t see the GUI. I can see on the fysical firewall that the traffic from the source is being allow to the Checkmk server on port 80. I made an allow rule for port 80 and 443

I think SELinux stops the root apache from contacting the checkmk site apache.

I’m not aware of a complete set of SELinux rules, but just to be sure, set your SELinux mode to permissive and see if that helps.

Just in case, I spun up a RHEL9 server and installed check-mk 2.2.0p3-el9 straight from the download page. Following the install and initial site setup instructions to the letter with the following additional steps at the end.
~edit: Should note that I also used the dependencies steps referred to above to do the steps (such as additional packages) here which overlaps some of my earlier advice. A dnf install may have the same results.

The site loaded with http:///monitoring and I was able to login with cmkadmin credentials.

What about a DNS issue?
If you try to ping/dig/nslookup against hostname you’re using does it resolve correctly?
Maybe a host file entry is missing if you’re not relying on DNS?
Will the IP in the browser address bar work instead of a hostname?


Hello. I have the same problem as the OP, in that I have just installed Checkmk but cannot access the GUI. I am a new user and am in need of help. Can you please assist me?

My server is Ubuntu 22.04, with Nginx 1.18, and it was installed with the Virtulamin LEMP package. I followed Checkmk’s standard Raw installation instructions using the default for everything.

When I try to access the /monitoring URL it leads to my site’s standard 404 page. The site itself works fine, and this installation has not affected it.

“omd status” returns all services running.

My only clue to a potential concern is that the default install URL is, while my live site is not located at the “host” subdomain. Instead, Virtualmin requires that you set up a hostname where your Virtualmin admin panel will live, and all of your sites will be based, and they recommend calling it “host”, so that’s what I did. Then, you can have a "" and “dev.websitename.c*m” and infinite other domains. So is it possible that I can’t access Checkmk GUI because of this discrepancy?

I’m using the standard Virtualmin firewall rules and have not modified them. I am new to running a server and don’t know enough to modify the rules beyond following instructions you give me.

Do I need to set up a new DNS rule? Or a new Nginx config rule in order to access this specific URL?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Thank you.

Here’s an additional piece of info I gained while troubleshooting this issue that may help resolve the problem. I found this knowledge base that provides a guide on how to install Checkmk on Nginx:

In Step 5 it says: “You must install the agent plugin nginx_status into your agent’s plugins directory (usually /usr/lib/check_mk_agent/plugins). The plugin tries to autodetect all running NGINX servers. If that fails, you must create the configuration file /etc/check_mk/nginx_status.cfg.”

I never installed this plugin because it was not part of the installation instructions, and I don’t know how to do so.

And these directories don’t even exist. I searched the entire server for any instance of “check_mk”, but nothing was found.

What do you think this means? Was there a problem with the installation? Or an additional step I have to go through?

Everything with the install went well and no errors were reported. But there was this note at the end: “N: Download is performed unsandboxed as root as file ‘/home/username/check-mk-raw-2.3.0p3_0.jammy_amd64.deb’ couldn’t be accessed by user ‘_apt’. - pkgAcquire::Run (13: Permission denied)”

Thank you.

This guide is to monitor an Nginx server not to install CMK on it.
To your original problem - your setup will not work if Nginx is also using the default ports 80/443. In your system you need a system Apache to communicate with the CMK site Apache.
Please install CMK on a “empty” system without any extra services if you start with this.

Thank you for the reply. I would like some clarification to help me use this service.

The LEMP stack installed via Virtualmin installed Apache and Nginx, but I disabled Apache because they were both using the same default port. Now I only have Nginx start up on boot. Are you saying that Checkmk won’t work without Apache? If so, then I’ll need to look up how to change the port number for Apache and turn it back on. I had thought the Checkmk installer put all of this software in on its own.

Or will it never work because my Ubuntu install already has its own web server running, of Nginx?

I noticed in an install guide that they recommended installing Checkmk on a separate server, and it seems that you’re suggesting this as well, but I only have one server, so I won’t be able to do that. Is there a way to get it to work on my current server, where I have this site running?

If the answer to all of the above is no, then what is the best way to uninstall Checkmk?


I would not recommend such an install on the CMK monitoring server.

Yes CMK needs the system Apache working.


Create an LXC container and use this container then or use the docker image.

I see. Thank you for clarifying. I’m new to running a VPS, and have never used an LXC or Docker. I’ll have to learn how.

For anyone else coming to this later who had the same issue, here is how you uninstall Checkmk:

My Summary:

Stop your site from running, if it is:

omd stop sitename

Remove a site:

omd rm sitename

Rename the soft link pointing to the Checkmk installation:

mv -v /opt/omd/sites/sitename/{,_}version

^ The version name in this directory will match the original file package you downloaded, whether it’s Raw, or Enterprise, and so forth. In my case, Raw for Ubuntu 22: check-mk-raw-2.3.0p3_0.jammy_amd64.deb

Although this step seemed unnecessary for me.

Remove Checkmk:

apt-get remove -y check-mk-raw-2.3.0p3

!! Note: Do not include the “_” or anything past it in the downloaded file name, including the “.cre” or additional “_0.jammy_amd64.deb” in the case of Ubuntu 22.

Checkmk will be uninstalled, but the /opt/omd directory will still exist. So go into your file manager and delete the /omd directory, while keeping /opt in place.

You’re done.