Checkmk cannot access the GUI

I see. Thank you for clarifying. I’m new to running a VPS, and have never used an LXC or Docker. I’ll have to learn how.

For anyone else coming to this later who had the same issue, here is how you uninstall Checkmk:

My Summary:

Stop your site from running, if it is:

omd stop sitename

Remove a site:

omd rm sitename

Rename the soft link pointing to the Checkmk installation:

mv -v /opt/omd/sites/sitename/{,_}version

^ The version name in this directory will match the original file package you downloaded, whether it’s Raw, or Enterprise, and so forth. In my case, Raw for Ubuntu 22: check-mk-raw-2.3.0p3_0.jammy_amd64.deb

Although this step seemed unnecessary for me.

Remove Checkmk:

apt-get remove -y check-mk-raw-2.3.0p3

!! Note: Do not include the “_” or anything past it in the downloaded file name, including the “.cre” or additional “_0.jammy_amd64.deb” in the case of Ubuntu 22.

Checkmk will be uninstalled, but the /opt/omd directory will still exist. So go into your file manager and delete the /omd directory, while keeping /opt in place.

You’re done.