Checkmk Raw on Raspberry PI(RPI) - What RPI OS to install?

I see a somewhat older thread that partially answers my question. I think the answer based on this is to use RPI OS 32-bit. But the other comments about SD card, etc, confuses what works.

I would like to run Checkmk Raw on a Raspberry PI 4, for my winter home that I don’t want to set up a more elaborate solution. Any suggestions on what OS I should install?

Use either bookworm or jammy 64 bit. But: HIC SVNT DRACONES. These are unofficial builds, there might be ARM related bugs.

Wear on SD cards is a valid point, although you can mitigate this by using “really large” SD cards (128 or 256GB) that have some wear levelling (all those announced as fast).

Please also see our blog post on our official ARM stance: Checkmk – our road to ARM support | Checkmk Currently we suggest cheap Intel stuff for edge sites like your winter residence. So if you have an old thin client with M2 SATA support lying around, use this.

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Thanks so much for this further details on this. Very helpful. A follow-up question.

  • When you say bookworm or jammy 64 bit, does the RPI OS(which is a port of bookworm) lite work(without the desktop)?

Honestly, since Chrisss404 is an independent distributor of Checkmk packages, I do not know their exact dependencies. I suspect the bookworm builds work on RPI OS, but I cannot guarantee it.

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Good point. I’ll see if I can get further details from Chriss404 on this.


It does. Am using it now

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