Collecting Your Questions about Monitoring VMware with Checkmk (in Spanish)!

¡Hola Checkmk Community!

Many of you monitor VMware with Checkmk – the questions about it arise quite often. And we decided to connect to the Spanish-speaking VMware community and organise a webinar specifically answering questions about VMware and Checkmk.

Here is our plan:

  1. We want to see how much interest there is and what questions people have
  2. We will organise the webinar and announce it once we have your input
  3. We will have our webinar, answer questions and choose several participants who will receive prizes:
    :1st_place_medal: Top 3 Participants: Get a chance to do a 3-month Proof of Concept (POC) with Checkmk’s editions
    :2nd_place_medal: Top 5 Participants: Get cool Checkmk swag

The webinar is planned to be held in Spanish.
To let us know what would be the best topics to discuss, please fill in the form:

¡Hasta luego!