Edit ping rount trip times


I’m checking QNAPs and want to increase the threshold of the rount trip times.

I don’t know where these values come from or how i can edit them.

The host check command is check-mk-host-ping

In any service you have the parameters for this service in the burger menue

I cant find any service with the thresholds of the round trip there.
Do you know how the service is called?

The service name is written on the top of your graphs you showing.
Probably better to read the documentation and/or apply for a training before asking here basic questions :wink:

If it was that easy i wouldnt create a thread.
There is no service called “round trip average” or “packet loss”.

Hi Lars,

host graphs and their respective ping settings are indeed a little better hidden.
The rule would be: “PING and host check parameters”

This rule sets the parameters for the host checks (via check_icmp) and also for PING checks on ping-only-hosts. For the host checks only the critical state is relevant, the warning levels are ignored.