How to change WARN & CRIT counts for the 'check_mk-windows_updates' check?

Does anyone know how to change the Windows Update service check so that it doesn’t immediately show as CRIT if there is just a single missing windows update?

Example of what it looks like on the host:

How do I customize those ‘warn/crit at 1/1’ numbers?

There does not seem to be a section for this extension to customize at a global level, which is what I would expect (with then custom values on a per host level to adjust certain hosts)

Just a quick clarification:

It seems you can change it for the individual service check per host, but I want to change these values at a global or folder level.

(This post talks about changing it for a single host: How to Change Warning/Critical Parameters - General - Checkmk Community)

I found the spot to change this. Not sure how I missed it when looking through service check rules a few weeks ago!

Screenshot for others: